Kristin Lemaster of Soulful Navigation®

General Information & Presentation Examples

General Information



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Instagram: @soulfulnavigation

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Master Certificate in Intuition Medicine® (MIM) from the Academy of Intuition Medicine®

Reconnective Healing® & The Personal Reconnection Certified Practitioner

The Energy Codes® Certified Facilitator

Bengston Method® Practitioner

Usui Reiki Practitioner

Lemaster headshot3

Presentation Example #1: Solo Presentation

This video is part of a bi-weekly program called "Spiritual Workouts", which is presented on the Soulful Navigation® app.

Presentation Example #2: Panel Presentation

This video was given as a live workshop in February 2022 with two other presenters.  Kristin is the first presenter in the light orange shirt. 

Upcoming Presentations

Kristin was selected as a speaker for the upcoming Women Thrive Summit in March 2023 where she will be speaking about "Spirit-Led Success: Dissolve the Disconnect Between Your Spirituality & Your Life